Latin Name: Thuya occidentalis
French Name: Thuya Occidental
English Name: Eastern White Cedar
Family: Cupressaceae
Origin: Quebec, Canada
Harvest time: May to September
Distilled Part: Leaves
Organoleptic Specificities: Liquid, clear light yellow to greenish, balsamic and woody.
Components: α-Thujone, α-Fenchone, β-Thujone, α-pinene, β-pinene.
This is a particularly fragrant tree due to its high content of essential oils. It reaches an average of fifteen meters in height. This cedar is part of the Cupressaceae family and can live up to 300 years. It grows naturally in marshy terrains, but it can also survive in very dry soils and is resistant to freezing temperatures. Its thin and smooth bark is reddish-brown in its early youth, which becomes gray and covered with furrows over time. Cedar twigs are flat and abundantly branched. Its ovoid cones group in pairs of 5 or 6 and measure from 1 to 2 cm.
The indigenous peoples of the Pacific Coast used this soft, light and rot-proof wood to make totems and canoes, as well as to build houses. Cedars were also known for their many therapeutic qualities. An extract made from the twigs treated rheumatism, pneumonia and coughs. An infusion relieved headaches and menstrual pain. A poultice made from the bark was used to treat cuts and abrasions.
A few Native American tribes burned small branches on coal to disinfect homes and drive away evil spirits. Cedar smoke was also used in religious ceremonies to purify people and sacred objects.
The Eastern White Cedar is one of the most popular ornamental conifers for planting hedgerows, with over 300 different cultivars available. Its mite-proof quality and pleasant smell make it an ideal material for the manufacture of storage chests and wardrobes. In addition, it should be remembered that cedar shingles have served for the exterior cladding of houses in Quebec for more than 400 years.
Finally, Cedar seeds are particularly appreciated by birds, such as: crossbills, pine goldfinches and finches. As for its bark, it is the favorite snack food for white-tailed deer, which often graze on it up to 1.5 m in height, to the great detriment of the hedge … and the hedge owner!
Eastern White Cedar essential oil is an oil that CANNOT be used internally. But it is a particularly interesting oil for topical applications, because of its healing power. Cedar oil can be a precious help to overcoming the most difficult wounds and scars. In synergy with Tansy Vulgaris (Tanacetum vulgare) or Yarrow (Achillea millefolium), it is very active on intestinal parasites even when applied to the skin. Always refer to a specialist for internal use, as this essential oil requires special knowledge. Its mucolytic and anticatarrhal properties make this oil a first choice for bronchitis with a lot of mucus, because it frees the bronchi of their secretions, which allows for better breathing. It also acts directly on the infection through its antibacterial property.
- Skin System: dermophile, lypolytic, healing, virucide.
- Immune System: airborne antiseptic, antifungal, antibacterial, antiviral, antiparasitic.
- Respiratory System: mucolytic, anti-catarrhal, pulmonary decongestant.
- Nervous System: Attention, very neurotoxic if taken internally!
In Canada, some people use this essential oil to purify a place where there has been conflict, thereby bringing new healthier energies into the space.
Uses: cellulite, hypertrophic scars, stretch marks, wounds, sebaceous cysts, flat warts, growing warts, cold sores, minor burns, bedsores, ulcers, intestinal and cutaneous mycosis (candida), intestinal and cutaneous parasites (pinworms, tapeworms, roundworms), bronchitis with a lot of mucus and viral bronchitis, bedbugs, scabies, mites, ticks, and as a mosquito repellent.
Contra-indications: Attention! This essential oil is very neurotoxic if taken orally. It is to be avoided for pregnant and lactating women, children under 12 years of age and frail people such as the elderly, except under the recommendation of a specialist in aromatherapy.
Recommendations: Essential oils are wonderful for the well-being of humans, animals, insects and plants. There are many books on the subject of aromatherapy and they should be referred to for the proper and safe use of essential oils. We also recommend that you consult an aromatherapy professional, who will be able to target the aromatic molecules of essential oils and their biochemical groupings, thereby increasing the effectiveness of your care.
It is recommended to store essential oils in a cool, dry place, away from light and air.
The information provided on this website is NOT a recommendation of a cure or the treatment of a medical condition or disease.
- https://florelaurentienne.com/flore/Groupes/Spermatophytes/Gymnospermes/009_Cupressacees/02_Thuja/occidentalis.htm
- https://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.ca/fr/article/thuya-cedre
- https://m.espacepourlavie.ca/en/biodome-flora/eastern-white-cedar-eastern-arborvitae
- https://jardinierparesseux.com/tag/thuya-endommage-par-les-cerfs/
- https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thuya_occidental
- https://www.journalexpress.ca/2012/05/01/lannedda-larbre-de-paix/
- https://nouvelles.ulaval.ca/arts/lhistoire-meconnue-dun-arbre-de-vie-bcdb4f929398e4390b6b993096acce6
- https://aimfc.rncan.gc.ca/fr/arbres/fiche/73
- https://shfq.ca/gilbert-j-p-et-rouleau-f-2013-une-industrie-meconnue-la-fabrication-des-bardeaux-de-cedre-au-quebec/
- Moerman Daniel E., Native American Ethnobotany, Timber Press, Portland, Oregon, 1998.
- Franchomme, P., Jollois, R,. Pénoël, D., L’aromathérapie exactement, Encyclopédie de l’utilisation
thérapeutique des huiles essentielles : fondements, démonstration, illustration et applications d’une
science médicale naturelle, Bayeux, Editions Roger Jollois, 2001. - Turbide, Michel, L’Aromathérapie, Huiles Essentielles du Québec et du Monde, Applications
thérapeutiques, Québec, Canada, Éditions Santé-Arôme, 2015.